What is Zenthai Shiatsu?  Focused intention.

Blood , Ki and nerves form the foundations of our bodies internal pathways.  Your local doctor may refer to arterial flow or nerve pathways whilst your alternative health practitioner may refer to it as ‘the river of life that ensures good health and vitality.’

When this is obstructed through emotional or physical trauma, postural imbalances or external invasion of pathogens, the natural healing mechanisms of our body is challenged and the ‘free flowing river’ often stagnates. The result is pain, low energy and a general loss of the feeling of well being.  The body is needing support.

Zenthai shiatsu addresses the needs by drawing on the Traditional Energetic based systems of Zen Shiatsu, Traditional Thai Massage and the remediation techniques of Osteopathy.  By the integration of the prime aspects of the modalities and the creation of a safe, awake and caring healing environment, Zenthai has evolved to be widely recognised as an effective structural and energetic form of therapy.

This is movement based therapy with a reputation of effective dealing with issues of the musculo-skeletal , digestive and nervous system.

Common conditions that are addressed include:

  • lower back, neck and shoulder pain

  • digestive complaints

  • joint mobilisation

  • energy depletion

  • immune system

Briefly speaking, Zenthai draws on…

  1. Zen shiatsu …Traditional Chinese medicine …acupuncture without needles ( includes cupping, moxibustion and lifestyle/food advice )

  2. Traditional Thai massage ..releases muscular tension and energetic blockages

  3. Osteopathic techniques…includes joint mobilisation , connective tissue patterns and fascia unwinding.

Each session is tailor made to the clients needs.

All graduated Zenthai Shiatsu therapists can be found on the therapists directory page on www.zenthaishiatsu.com


The Evolution and Lineage of Zenthai as a healing modality…

Fluidity. Totality. Heartfulness.

Zenthai Founder and author of ‘The Zen of Touch’ and ‘Connection to Source’, Gwyn Williams, has spent over 20 years traveling internationally and exploring various modalities of Structural and Energetic healing systems to be continually creating this evolving form of movement based therapy. He continues to run the Zenthai Shiatsu Therapist Training Program where it has been originally based on the Sunshine Coast in Australia.
Since 2019 the Therapist Training expanded into Victoria, run by Sally Meredith and a team of support teachers including Gwyn.
Click here for details about the Melbourne based Zenthai Therapist Program.

Zenthai is also offered as movement therapy classes called “Zenthai Flow”, integrating yoga asana, functional movement and Qi Gong/Taoist exercises. Gwyn and Sally run an intensive 19 day Zenthai Flow Facilitator Training program annually, and also offer weekly public classes at their bases in Melbourne and the Sunshine Coast, as well as travel interstate and abroad to share the art.

“Life is energy.
Without it nothing moves… nothing rests.
Without energy, matter is inanimate.
When we see energy we are seeing spirit.
Each spirit is a manifestation of the Great Spirit, Tao. 
Therefore, we must not make negative judgements about anyone.
Instead we must marvel at the creativity of God, or Tao.

As Oriental Medicine practitioners, our only desire is to facilitate the movement of energy, with ourselves and each person we encounter – to bring forth our own inner being, as well as the inner being of those around us.
By acquiring this wonderful knowledge, we have it in our power to serve such a purpose:
to move energy in the direction in which it already wants to go. What a great way to live.”
